Saturday, September 19, 2015


See which describes itself as
A small functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript. Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional. has a series of lessons titled "How to Create a Javascript Library". In the first video, the presenter states "We are going to create a micro-library because its small size makes it easy to reason about". The presenter points out that managine and versioning micro-libraries makes project management more difficult.

Playing around with meteor.js I found out that it is a full-stack framework, mongodb is there for the asking.

I've seen this post Execution in the Kingdom of the Nouns referred to as though it was some great revelation but it is pretty dumb, just troll bait. The writer never heard of purely behavioral classes like what you would create when implementing the command pattern. Classes in Java provide a namespace, a context, for behavior. He may choose to have his behavior in the global namespace but its been tried with at best, mixed results.