> '(a b c d) '(a b c d) > (cons 'a '(b c)) '(a b c) > (* 5 5) 25 > (define quadruple (lambda (n) (+ n n n n))) > (quadruple 7) 28 > (cons 'a '(b c)) '(a b c) > (car (cons 'x '(y z))) 'x > (define doubler (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x x)))) > (define double (doubler +)) > (double 13/2) 13 > (define recip (lambda (n) (and (not (= n 0)) (/ 1 n)))) > (recip 4) 1/4 > (recip 3) 1/3 > (recip 0) #f > (define x1 '(one two three)) > (cons 'zero x1) '(zero one two three) > (define x2 (cons 'zero x1)) > (cdr x2) '(one two three) > (car x2) 'zero
And Kawa which is Scheme implemented on the JVM.
Code saved in First.scm file:
(display (< 7 9)) (newline) (display (+ 7 11)) (newline)Run command:
$ java -jar lib/kawa.jar ../src/First.scm #t 18